What's Seller Closing Cost when I sell my house in Gilbert AZ?
When you sell your home in Gilbert AZ, there are fee a associate with selling your home. One of the larger cost of selling home in Gilbert AZ is commission to be paid to Realtors that involved in the transaction. Typically 6% - 3% for Listing Agent - represent the seller and another 3% for Buyer Agent - represent the buyer. Keep in mind that the Realtor commission is negotiable.
Other than Realtors' commission there are other fees that seller need to pay, such as:
- Payoff of all loans in Seller's name. This include all the remaining balance and prorated interest. If your loan has prepayment penalty for paying off your loan before end of the term, you need to pay the penalty. If you have home equity loan or line of credit, you also need to pay in full at settlement
- Escrow fees. Fee associate for the transaction
- Transfer tax or recording fees. These are tax and fees imposed by state and local government.
- Title insurance. In Arizona, seller typically pay the owner's title insurance premium for buyer
- Attorney fee. If the transaction involved attorney
- Unpaid/Prorated property tax, homeowner association dues up the the settlement date.
- Liens or judgement against the property, if any
How much is the Seller Closing Cost?
For Home Seller, the Closing Cost typically range between 1 - 2% of the sale price and these Seller Closing Cost are paid at the settlement. Typically these won't be cash out of your pocket, rather it will be deducted from the profit on your home, unless you are selling with low or no equity. In this case, you will need to bring cash to the table.
Selling your home in Gilbert AZ
Contact Us or call Swee Ng at 480.721.6253 today to discuss your potential Gilbert AZ House Value and our comprehensive marketing plan. We will prepare complimentary competitive market analysis (CMA) to find out what your home is worth at today’s market.
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Keller Williams Realty
15905 S 46th St #160
Swee Ng, Realtor and Gilbert AZ resident specializing in win-win real estate transaction through great communication and fighting for his clients' best interest. After all, this is more than real estates, this is about your life and your dreams.
If you are looking to buy or sell your home in Phoenix AZ area, we hope you will consider us. Contact us today for complimentary consultation.